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AgriLife Kohinoor® - CP

Soil Health Improver
(Carrier powder formulation)



Formulations Carrier powder
Application Type Soil application

Registration and Certifications

Indian Fertilizer Regulatory (FCO) Organic Certification – NPOP India National Bio Diversity Board Compliance – India (Microbial component) Access benefit sharing agreement (ABS) – Nagoya protocol (Microbial component)
Not Applicable Yes Yes Yes

Ecological Parameters

Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI) Re-entry barrier Safe to predators, parasites and pollinators
Not applicable 0 Days 0 Days Yes

AgriLife Kohinoor® - CP comprises of Biofertilizers and Nutrients. The composition is customised to comply with regulatory guidelines of respective countries. All the microbes in Kohinoor are proprietary strains and compliant with National Bio Diversity Authority guidelines and have Access Benefit Sharing (ABS) agreement with the State Bio Diversity Board for payment of royalty to the habitat from where the microbes have been isolated.

The strains are under Patent deposit certificate with Budapest Treaty recognised depository.


  • • Nitrogen fixing bacteria – Paenibacillus durus ( Paenibacillus azotofixans)
  • • Phosphorous solubilizing bacteria - Bacillus megaterium
  • • Potassium mobilizing bacteria - Bacillus mucilaginosus
  • • Silica Solubilizing Bacteria - Bacillus mycoides

Nutrients / Prebiotics:

  • • Humic and fluvic substances / Organic Carbon
  • • Seaweed fermentation derivatives
  • • Protein hydrolysates of vegetative origin from enzyme hydrolysis

Beneficial microbes and natural biostimulants contained in AgriLife Kohinoor®-CP act as bio primers that help in:

  • • Deep proliferation of roots
  • • Robust vegetative growth
  • • Drought tolerance

Mode of action of AgriLife Kohinoor® - CP constituents:


  • • Nitrogen fixing bacteria helps fix atmospheric nitrogen into the soil
  • • Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria helps better solubilization of fixed phosphorus
  • • Potassium mobilizing bacteria - Potash is an expensive element and usually gets leached out. The bacteria mobilize potassium and makes this available to the plant
  • • Silica solubilizing bacteria impart drought tolerance and promote robust plant growth
  • • Sulphur, Zinc and Iron mobilizing bacteria help in making these fixed elements bioavailable
  • • Mycorrhiza colonize in root system and extend hyphae beyond the root system. This extended root system reaches out into zones normally not accessed by the root. This ensures plants getting more phosphorus and other micro nutrients from ‘far away’ zones. Mycorrhiza offers unique bio stimulant properties that enhance tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress
  • • Organic acids and enzymes secreted by the microbes help in mobilizing various fixed elements in the soil

Nutrients / Prebiotics:

  • • Organic carbon offers a congenial micro environment, increased organic carbon for growth and development of beneficial microbes
  • • Seaweed fermentation derivatives contain cytokinins, auxins, gibberellins and betaines which aid in cell multiplication, cell elongation and vegetative growth
  • • Protein hydrolysates of vegetative origin derived from enzyme hydrolysis process contain useful amino acids that help in robust plant growth

  • • Biological nitrogen fixation
  • • Phosphorus solubilization
  • • Potash mobilization
  • • Silica solubilization
  • • Zinc mobilization, Sulphur mobilization and Iron mobilization
  • • Micro nutrient assimilation
  • • Soil health improvement
  • • Organic carbon improvement
  • • Feeding roots proliferation
  • • Drought tolerance

  • Types of formulation

    AgriLife Kohinoor® - CP is available in the following formulations:

    • • Carrier powder- CP
    • • Soluble powder- SP

  • Dose and Application

    The following table gives details on Application methods and doses for the different formulations

    Application type Carrier powder formulation
    Dose Typical acre dose: 10- 20Kg
    Typical hectare dose: 20- 50Kg
    Seed dressing Not applicable
    Nursery application Dissolve 10g/L of water and apply this solution through rose can to nursery/ pouch/plant. Apply immediately after sowing the seeds in nursery.
    Seedling /planting material dip Dissolve 10g/L of water and dip seedling / planting material in the solution such that it gets coated completely with the solution.
    Soil application (Soil drench OR Drip irrigation) 1 Acre dose: 10- 20Kg
    1 Ha dose: 25- 50Kg
    Soil application for Long duration crops / Orchards / Perennials 1 Acre dose: 10- 20Kg
    1 Ha dose: 25- 50Kg
    Apply 2 times in 1 Year. Before onset of monsoon and after monsoon.
    Spot application in planting pit for Orchards/ Banana / Sugarcane Mix 50 Kg/ Ha (20 Kg / Ac) of AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP with 200 kg organic fertilizer and apply as a band and distribute it across plants for 1 Ha / 1 acre. Band or circular application around the trees is recommended.
    Apply 2 times in 1 Year. Before onset of monsoon and after monsoon. Apply 2nd dose after 3 months in case of banana / sugarcane
    Foliar application Not applicable

  • Application method Notes

    Seedling/ planting material dip:

    Mix AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP in sufficient water to make a slurry and coat seedling / planting material and transplant in the field. Do not store treated / coated seedlings/planting material more than 24 hrs

    Soil application

    AgriLife Kohinoor® - CP can be used as under:

    1. Mix at recommended doses with compost and apply at early life stages of crop along with other biofertilizers. It can also be mixed with conventional fertilizers and applied.

    2. Mix AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP at recommended doses in sufficient water and drench soil at early leaf stage/ 2-4 leaf stage / early crop life cycle

    3. Drip Irrigation: If there are insoluble particles, filter the solution and add to drip tank.

    4. Long duration crops / Perennial / Orchard crops: Dissolve AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP at recommended doses in sufficient water and apply as a drenching spray near root zone twice a year. It is recommended to have first application before the onset of the main monsoon / rainfall/ spring season and second application after the main monsoon / rainfall / autumn/ fall season.


    Do not store AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP solution for more than 24 hours after mixing in water.

    A fraction of the product may not be soluble in water. It is advisable to filter and discard undissolved residue and use filtered liquid for soil application.

  • Compatibility

    Compatible with biofertilizers, organic fertilizers, organic manures, biopesticides, vermicompost, sea kelp (seaweed fertilizer), protein hydrolysates, organic carbon and rock phosphate

    Carrier powder formulation:

    • • AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP can be mixed with conventional chemical fertilizers and applied together.


    It is advisable to have a one-week gap if soil application pesticides are to be used after application of AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP.


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  • Carrier Powder Formulation

    Packing material: HDPE bags

    Pack size: 25 Kg

    Shipper box dimensions:

    Pack Size No of units per box Packing material
    25Kg 1 Paper box with inner liner and outer liner

  • Shipper box material

    25 Kg bag


Store in ambient temperature, not more than 35 degrees Celsius. Keep container closed after use. Store in a dry place.

Shelf life

AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP has a shelf life of 1 Year from the date of manufacturing.


AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP composition can be customized to meet local regulatory guidelines.

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  • SDS

    • • Carrier Powder
    • • Soluble Powder
    • • Soluble Liquid

  • TDS

    • • Carrier Powder
    • • Soluble Powder
    • • Soluble Liquid

  • Analytical Report

    • • Carrier Powder
    • • Soluble Powder
    • • Soluble Liquid

  • FAQ's

    Can AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP be used along with chemical fertilizers What % of beneficial microbes get affected and how can we recover this?
    AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP is a carrier powder-based formulation. All microbes are adhered to the carrier. By mixing with chemicals and applying together - there is no real damage to microbes in the formulation.
    When AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP is mixed with a chemical fertilizer the microbial load may reduce by 25-30%. The microbes then multiply again in the soil so mixing with a chemical fertilizer is not a problem.

    Can AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP be mixed with seeds and sown?
    Yes AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP can be mixed with seeds and sown.

    How long can I store the seeds after mixing it with AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP?
    The seeds can be stored for 24 hours after mixing with AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP

    Will the nutrients in AgriLife Kohinoor®- CP get affected by mixing with chemical fertilizer?
    No. The nutrients do not get affected even after mixing with chemical fertilizer. Therefore, one can mix it with chemical fertilizer and apply.

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